Car Buying Tips For Women
If you are new to selling cars, remember one thing. WOMEN make the DECISION when buying a new car! I see new salesman start talking to customers and leave the women out of the conversation. This will NEVER lead to a car sale! PERIOD!!! Do not pay too much attention so that the husband is left out or feels you are hitting on his wife, but definitely talk to the wife. If you ever notice when figures are presented to prospective car buyers, men always look at their wives before answering. They can tell by the wife's body language whether she thinks its a good deal or not. I know many men are saying, "I wear the pants in my family." Yea right, but your wife probably picked them out for you. Women always get the new cars too. They may say, this is a car for my husband, but women get the new cars and men drive the old ones.
This should be a hot topic! Everyone says that women are taken advantage of when buying a car, but think again. Women are more informed than men when buying anything. They do there homework, and are not afraid to speak their mind. I found that when I was selling cars, women always negotiated the best deal. Women always use the "I have to talk to my husband first" line, and it works! Lets give women credit where credit is do.