New Car Deals Are Real Deals!
Guess what? There are still some 2006 models on the ground. What does that mean for you? That means there are some GREAT deals to be found. We are in the second month of the year with last years models still on the ground, that means the rebates are hitting the max, and the deals are getting sweet! They have to GO!
Fill out this short form at Yahoo! Autos to see exactly what you should be paying for the 2006 you found or the 2007 that just arrived on the lot. There are deals on all of them now, but know what to pay before you even go. there are many savvy customers that are making their deals over the phone just because they do not like the games at the dealerships. Get your price at Yahoo! Autos
and call the dealership and make an offer. If the offer is accepted, then go take a closer look to make sure it is right for you. The saleman will not be mad because once you come in, they know you are serious. There is no haggleing once you get there. It just takes the stress out of the deal for all involved. Oh and by the way, if you are in most parts of the country it is very cold out right now, so dealing over the phone is not such a bad idea. Let me know if you use this method and it works for you.